
The painter who revealed to the world outside the miseries of the Tamils of Eelam                                 

“Veerakesari”    2005

Artist Pugazhenthi is a bridge between Tamils of Tamilnadu and Tamils of Eelam.

     “Artist Pugazhenthi comes from Tamil nadu. With the touch of his brush he has brought out the various aspects and miseries and pain of the freedom struggle of the Tamils. He has conducted an exhibition in Vanni area.”

     “This is the outward revelation of the loving close relationship and kindredship between the people of India and people of Tamil Eelam.”

     “Artist Pugazhenthi from India has rightly understood the inner nuances of the just liberation struggle of Tamil Eelam without having any fear of TADA and POTA laws.”

     “His paintings are strength and nutrition to the Tamils’ liberation struggle.”

     “Through his brush Pugazhenthi who is described as liberation fighter through art has taken the sufferings and the history of Eelam Tamils to the international arena. To achieve this he has conducted exhibitions in many foreign countries and thus he has got a permanent place in all our hearts.”

     “Because, he gives in his paintings, a picture of the tears shed by Tamils, the dead bodies of Tamils shot dead by Sinhala and the outburst of revolution in this soil.”

     “The Storming Colours’ a serial of paintings on the theme of Tamil Eelam liberation has a far reaching effect. We are able to see in it his feeling for liberation struggle.”

     “The paintings of this son of India are found to give a new impetus to the liberation struggle of Eelam Tamils. You can find in them the thirst for liberation, the speed for freedom and the rising up of revolution. He has carved and shaped his ideas for these paintings from the fire, ashes of racialist murderous crowds, tears, blood and Sinhala economic sanctions. The expert in field of painting, Pugazhenthi’s paintings are inseparably intertwined with the liberation struggle of Eelam Tamils.”

     “The brush of Pugazhenthi has crossed the sea and has created a link between the Tamils of Eelam and Tamils of Tamilnadu.”

     “He has converted the growl of the Tiger and victory in war into paintings. Kasi Ananthan has described him as ‘the artist liberation fighter Pugazhenthi of Tamilnadu is the dearest friend Tamil Eelam liberation Tigers”.

     “He has understood the history of the colours, their quality and their impact. He has also understood the intricacies and nuances of the lines in drawing.”

     “He has throughtly learnt the painting traditions and its niceties. There is life in Pugazhenthi’s paintings. It has a reach and influence. But he does not care much for beauty, because his creations are based on tears, blood, murder, hunger, and fire.”

     I asked him: “what is your wavelength of feeling for ‘The Storming Colours’. He replied thus.

     “In the history of the world, there have been many struggles for the liberation of a Community. Those struggles have been successful facing all the oppression and sufferings which were given in the name of race and colour. In a similar manner in this blood soaked Tamil Eelam liberation struggle people have faced sufferings and suppression.”

     “The situation is such that people, having lost their soil, their people, have to live in foreign land as refugees. All these created a terrible pressure within me. As a result of its impact I have revealed them through colours in my paintings.”

     “This is the revelation for ‘Storming Colours”, he said.

     In the coming days, artists of Tamilnadu and the people of Tamil Eelam will merge on this foundation. Other artists of Tamilnadu, scholars, writers, poets, art creators should strengthen the bridge of relationship. Artist Pugazhenthi may act as a guide and beacon light for this.”